Our alumni Dr. Wei Cao and Dr. Shaobo Ji started their academic career!Recently they joined Beijing Normal University and Soochow University respectively.
Congratulations and best wishes for their future!
The 652th PhD Forum of Tsinghua University on Flexible Electronics Technology is held on December 5th, our PhD student Cheng Liu gave an oral presentation named 'Dynamic Covalent Polymer Network with Diselenide Bond' and received an Excellence in Oral Presentation Award.
Our PhD student Cheng Liu and Yiheng Dai received the 'Oral Presentation Award' in the first 'Tang Auchin' Academic Forum of Jilin University on December 1st, 2021.
On Dec. 2nd, 2021, the 3rd Table Tennis Tournament of Xu's Group was held in Gas Film Hall, Tsinghua University, with 16 group members joining in.
The tournament is divided into two groups, after a fierce competition, Mr. Yiheng Dai and Dr. Luo Zhang advanced to the final round.
And finally, Dr. Luo Zhang won the championship of this year's tournament.
This tournament provides a good ...
On September 23rd-26th 2021, Prof. Huaping Xu, Dr. Luo Zhang, Mr. Cheng Liu, Mr. Peng Zhao, Mr. Shuojiong Pan, Mr. Yiheng Dai, Mr. Banruo Xianyu and Mr. Yizheng Tan attended 2021 National Annual Polymer Congress.
Prof. Huaping Xu co-chaired Session J: Polymer Assembly and Supramolecular System with Profs. Jianzhong Du, Wei Tian and Feng Wang.
Prof. Huaping Xu gave an invited presentation of ...
On April 19th-22nd 2021, Prof. Huaping Xu, Mr. Peng Zhao and Mr. Shuojiong Pan attended the 32nd CCS Congress.
Prof. Huaping Xu co-chaired Branch Venue 17: Advanced Chemistry Education.
Mr. Peng Zhao and Mr. Shuojiong Pan worked as volunteers for Branch Venue 17.